Xavier is a character from Tokyo Disneyland's Disney Story Beyond campaigns for the Haunted Mansion.
Xavier is the head butler of the Mansion's mortal staff and has worked at the Mansion for many years. His daughter Z.J., who became one of the Mansion's maids, is set to become his successor. He would help guide "Fellow Mortals" recruited by Z.J. in their quest to recover the lost pages of the Ghost Registry. Sometime afterwards, he would fall under a mysterious deathly curse, which Z.J. would seek to lift again with the assistance of fellow mortals and one of the Mansion's messenger ravens. Due to the nature of the curse, he was kept entirely out of the loop about its existence, as the curse was said to kill the victim immediately upon them finding out about it. His pocketwatch would be crucial for the curse breaking ritual.
- Like Francis and Chauncey Xavier, Xavier takes his name from Imagineer and scriptwriter X. Atencio.