Haunted Mansion Wiki
Haunted Mansion Wiki

Master William Gracey is a character in the Slave Labor Graphics comics, based on the Aging Man and the Ghost Host from the attraction, as well as the Captain Gore character from Ken Anderson's early concepts. His name was taken from the Master Gracey tombstone (honoring Imagineer Yale Gracey).

The name William Gracey would be recycled for the 2023 film's incarnation of Master Gracey, where he was played by J.R. Adducci.



William as Captain Blood

William Gracey was a sailor in the Caribbean who served aboard a merchant-ship called the Pomona under a cruel captain named Randall Pace. On a voyage to Barbados, William lead a mutiny against Pace due to his poor working conditions and killed the captain via decapitation, stuffing his head in a hatbox. William went on to become a pirate-captain under the moniker of Captain Blood.

Years later, William Gracey became the owner of Gracey Manor in New Orleans, Louisiana. He fell in love with a beautiful young woman named Emily de Claire, though his clairvoyant Madame Leota objected to this union due to her own affections for him. Due to this, Leota summoned the ghost of Randall Pace to lure Emily into the attic of the manor and killed her on her wedding night. In a fit of rage, Gracey rushed to Leota to stop her summoning rituals and snapped her neck. Knowing that there was now no chance of redemption, he hung himself in the Mansion's cupola. However, Leota's seance ended up going uninterrupted, as she was killed so suddenly she failed to register what had happened and her spirit had entered her crystal ball, turning the Mansion into a beacon for wayward souls. Gracey would become a welcoming host to his new house guests and was eager to tell stories from his hanging spot in the Stretching Room to whoever came to listen, but he would eventually discover that Leota's revenge would kick in once the Mansion hit 1000 ghosts.


  • William's alias of Captain Blood is the same moniker as the fictional-pirate Dr. Peter Blood from the 1922 novel Captain Blood, popularized by its 1935 swashbuckler film-adaptation.
  • Continuity error: In Doom of the Diva, Baronessa Elda receives a letter from E. Gracey.
    • In Three of a Kind, a character clearly drawn to be William refers to himself by the name of Bartholomew Gore rather then the Captain Blood pirate alias used elsewhere.

