Haunted Mansion Wiki
Haunted Mansion Wiki

The Tikis are a group of entities found in the attraction Mystic Manor at Hong Kong Disneyland.



In Māori mythology, Tiki is the name of the first human who was created by the gods. In Māori culture, Tiki's name is used to describe wooden figures of individuals, particularly to represent deified ancestors and to mark territories.


The Tikis are a series of wooden figures which were taken by Lord Henry Mystic from the islands of the Polynesian. They were taken to Mystic's estate in Mystic Point, Papua New Guinea c. the 1910s. He placed the tikis in a chamber of his museum-like abode known as Tribal Arts.


The tikis are featured as an allusion to the classic Disney attraction, Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room. Imagineer Rolly Crump designed much of the original Tiki Room with his influence being found throughout the Haunted Mansion.


Mystic Manor[]

The tikis appear in the Tribal Arts scene of the ride where they come to live in-order to attack the guests while singing a war-chant like rendition of the ride's theme around a Lava God idol. This is due to them being brought to life by the magic of the music box that Lord Mystic's pet monkey Albert opened. Several of the tikis fire blow-darts at Albert and the guests as they pass by.


  • As Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room technically exists in the same continuity as Mystic Manor through Disney's S.E.A. mega-theme, it is possible that Lord Mystic took what relics he has from the Tiki room itself or its respective region.
    • If this is true, it is possible that some of the tikis already had spirits without the assistance of the music-box and were only allied by it.
  • Concept art for Mystic Manor shows more tiki figures taken directly from the Tiki Room such-as the drummers.