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The Thunder Mesa Town Council is a group in the story of Phantom Manor.


The Thunder Mesa Town Council was the town-council which presided over the Arizona mining-town of Thunder Mesa in the 19th century.


The Thunder Mesa Town Council was the town council of Thunder Mesa, Arizona in the 19th century. Around 1884, they had sheriff Will Ketchum shut down Ravenswood Manor due to missing-persons incidents surrounding the estate. After three investigation groups were recruited, the council reopened the manor.


  • Artemus L. Hector: Hector was the mayor of Thunder Mesa in the 1880s.
  • I.L.B. Bach: Bach was a councilman who signed the order to shut down Ravenswood Manor around 1884.


Phantom Manor[]

Signs for the manor being closed by the council were placed outside the mansion during refurbishments.

Thunder Mesa Daily Messenger[]

The Council was mentioned in newspapers regarding the closure and reopening of Ravenswood Manor.


  • The poster from the town-council had the message, "Non omnis moriar", the credo of House Ravenswood.

