The following list of names are of characters who either appear or are referenced in the comics.
- Lord Albert Dunswallop
- Baronessa Elda (AKA "Hilda")
- Bartholomew Gore
- Basil
- "Big Hobbs"
- Bisclavret
- Brian Belew
- Claude
- Coats
- Constance Hatchaway
- Davis
- Daisy de la Cruz
- Edith
- Emily de Claire
- Erasmus Cromwell Pickwick
- Ethyl White
- Ezra Gasser
- Fred
- Gaston
- Gus
- Hawley
- Hobbs
- Horace Fusslebottom (AKA "Dick")
- Jack Skellington
- Jay
- Jean Laffite
- Leota
- Marc
- May
- Melanie Ravenswood
- Meredith
- Michelle
- Mirabelle
- "Papa de Janeiro"
- Patrick Myers
- Perkins
- Randall Pace
- Sarah
- "Skinny Hobbs"
- Steve
- Steven
- Theodore
- Topper McGurk
- Victor
- William Gracey (AKA "Captain Blood")
- Winslow