Haunted Mansion Wiki
Haunted Mansion Wiki

The Johnson Family is a family affiliated with the Haunted Mansion.


The Johnsons were a prestigious family in New Orleans, Louisiana during the earlier 20th century. They purchased an antebellum mansion in New Orleans Square which was considerably cheap due the manor's dark history and reported hauntings. During their stay in the house, the Johnsons experienced several paranormal events caused by ghosts and later into the Holiday season by otherworldly creatures. On the September 22 of 1936, the, "First International News" newspaper would report on their story for, "Weekly Journal Published in the Interest of Exploration and Understanding".

The newspaper article read:


Residents flee home on suspicion of supernatural activity.

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana, United States - A famous plantation home in New Orleans was recently abandoned by its prestigious owners. Plagued by a grim past and a feeling prospective buyers phrased as "an uncertain ambience," the New Orleans mansion sold for a fraction of the original asking price. The Johnson family, record owners of the estate, fled when "supposed appartitions joined a birthday celebration in the grand ball room." Eunice, wife of Kelly, owner of the estate, claimed she "wasn't even able to extinguish her own birthday candles." She claims an apparition joined her side and "selfishly" ruined her 29th birthday celebration by blowing all the candles out for her.

Furthermore, they claim during a period of three to four months per year, the "supernatural presence" is felt with greater severity. During the holiday months, Kelly claims to have witnessed a man adorned with a skinless face. Eunice claims to have seen a translucent dog "flying down the hallway."

These sighting (sic) have not been confirmed. However, the Johnson Family is the third to abandon the mansion since the passing of the original owners. Story: Brandon Clark"[1]

Known Members[]

  • Kelly Johnson: The mansion's owner.
  • Eunice Johnson: The wife of Kelly Johnson.


Camp Discovery[]

The Johnsons were mentioned in a newspaper put on display in the Camp Discovery base of the League of Adventurers in Shanghai Disneyland's Adventure Isle.


  • It is somewhat odd that the Johnsons encountered Jack Skellington and Zero due to The Nightmare Before Christmas being set long after 1936 and that story featuring the first time Jack learned of Christmas.

