Haunted Mansion Wiki
Haunted Mansion Wiki

First Hatbox Blast-Up (on the right of the guests when they enter)

The Hatbox Blast-Ups were two of the ghosts haunting the Haunted Mansion.


Design & function[]

The Hatbox Blast-Ups are two screaming skull-like heads jumping out from inside of two open hatboxes.


In the Disneyland version of the ride, from 1969 to 2006, the Hatbox Blast-Ups appeared in the Attic, when the guests entered it.


In the earliest days of the attraction, when it was implied that the Beating Heart Bride had killed her groom the Hatbox Ghost via beheading, it was heavily implied that the Blast-Ups were other victims of hers. Since the Hatbox Ghost disappeared and the malevolent bride was replaced by a forlorn, tragic figure, the Blast-Ups story in that version became fairly unclear. Working under the assumption that Constance Hatchaway is the same character as the original bride, this might mean that the hatbox blast-ups were the husbands who Constance decapitated and stuffed the heads of in hatboxes.



Second Hatbox Blast-Up (on the left of the guests).


The Hatbox Blast-Ups appeared in the attic sequence, popping up from within their hatboxes and wailing out at passing guests.

Tokyo Disneyland[]

Five Hatbox blast-ups still appear in Tokyo Disneyland's Haunted Mansion in the attic albeit with the moulds of the Pop-Up Ghosts. Furthermore, they are dressed in traditionally male wedding garbs.


  • During the annual Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay, a sort of remnant of the blast-ups appear in the attic scene. These are the Pumpkin-in-a-box, Black-Cat-in-a-box and Skull-in-a-Box which are among the toys stuffed in the attic. As Haunted Mansion Holiday predated the 2006 refurbishment of the attic, these toys were made to be counterparts to the still operational hatbox blast-ups and would pop up at passing-by guests.