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Haunted Mansion Wiki

The Fireplace Demon or Fiery Dragon is an entity from the 2003 Haunted Mansion film.


2003 Film[]

The Fireplace Demon is a demon which spontaneously emerged from the mansion's fireplace when the evil butler Ramsley declared that all the protagonists could be damned to Hell.

The dragon seemed to be on Ramsley's side, only to violently drag the ghost of the butler down to what was apparently Hell.

It is unknown how Ramsley summoned the demon, if Ramsley knew of the demon, why the demon wasn't summoned or mentioned at a prior point in the film, the nature of the demon, or why it dragged Ramsley to Hell. It is most likely that it dragged Ramsley as he the butler believed he was in a place of moral-superiority to the protagonists for their being black and that the dragon punished the butler for his crimes. This does leave many glaring unanswered questions still though.

The Legend of Gracey Manor[]

The expansion of the film's story provides possible additional context. In it, the fireplace from which the demon emerges is explained to have come from a Scottish mansion which was owned by an evil man who died in a fire. The fire destroyed the mansion and left only the fireplace and a pipe-organ, both of which were purchased by Edward Gracey's father, George Gracey for his wife Abigail.

It can be speculated here that the Scottish mansion-owner might have used or even created the fireplace as a sort of portal to Hell and that it or the fiery demon destroyed the Scottish mansion. Even with this, there are still many glaring questions in its relationship to the ghosts of the Haunted Mansion and Ramsley in specific.
