Haunted Mansion Wiki

Dakota Dick is a presumably supernatural being buried atPhantom Manor.


Dakota Dick lived in the town of Thunder Mesa during the 1860s. Dakota was presumed to be an outlaw of sorts and was considered a, "Varmint" after his death.

On October seventeenth of 1867 he was hanged to death.  At some point over the next year he was ressurected from death but shot to death on January 18th of 1868.  He was ressurected again but stabbed to death on the 18th of December of 1868 only a month later.  He was ressurected once more and poisoned to death on May 21st of 1869.

Dakota was buried in the Boot Hill Cemetery adjacent to the haunted Ravenswood Manor with his tombstone listing all of his deaths along with the ominous warning that he will be back.

By the October of 1885, an undead apparition of Dakota was seen in town by a man named Old Joe. The apparition was holding onto his own disemboweled stomach while searching for town doctor, Doc Wassell.


Dakota's epitaph is written in french and reads:

"Dakota Dick
Pendu le 17 octobre 1867
Descendu le 18 janvier 1868
Poignardé le 18 décembre 1868
Empoisonné le 21 mai 1869
​​​​​Il Reviendra

Which translates to:

"Dakota Dick
Hanged October 17, 1867
Shot January 18, 1868
Stabbed December 18, 1868
Poisoned May 21, 1869
He’ll Be Back"
