Haunted Mansion Wiki

Ambrose Harper was the first husband turned victim of Constance Hatchaway.



Ambrose Harper was the son of wealthy farmers from Secret County, California. He married Constance Hatchaway in 1869 but was murdered by her shortly thereafter via decapitation, becoming the first known husband-turned-victim of hers. Constance inherited Ambrose's wealth.


Though Ambrose Harper doesn't physically appear in the ride itself, he makes an appearance in his wedding photo in the mansion's attic.

Muppets Haunted Mansion[]

Ambrose is played by Walter in the special. When Constance is fattening up Pepe on spoiled, spider filled grapes and Constance's other grooms comment that she's never tried eating a husband before, Ambrose comments that she nibbled his neck a bit before snapping it and killing him.


  • Ambrose (Constance's first known victim)'s year of death being 1869 is an allusion to 1969 which is the year the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland first opened.

